Oh the Places you will go


The past three months have been a whirlwind of excitement, change, adventure, and growth. I’ve been traveling non-stop with family and friends. I’ve had the chance to go to Florida, Vermont, New Hampshire, Vancouver, Rome, Paris, and New York. I have certainly caught the travel bug and can’t wait to explore more states, cities, and little nooks around Boston.

I started a new job at the end of January. It allowed me the opportunity to take on new challenges. After being there for a couple of months, I have to say, I’m much happier and more fulfilled than ever before. I was able to learn so much from my previous job that I have been able to apply and I’m thankful for having that opportunity. It’s always scary leaving the life you know, but it’s been satisfying to push my boundaries and build my professional skills.

I’m moving from my cute studio to a one bedroom. It’s the chance to redecorate (yay!) and try a new environment. It’s also forced me to do some serious spring cleaning and get rid of clothes, furniture, and books that I no longer need or use. I’m up to 20 Trader Joe’s shopping bags worth of stuff that I’m going to get rid of and I’m only half done! Help!

Overall, while I haven’t been as active on this blog as I would like, I’ve been taking advantage of opportunities to grow and expand my horizons. Now that things are starting to settle down, I’m excited to jump back into painting, writing, and blogging. I’ve miss you all and can’t wait to be back in the swing of things.


  1. I wondered where you were! And you were…..everywhere! Good for you. Cleaning out…don’t you feel lighter already?! So glad you are back. Happy for you!


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